Sex and Porn Addiction Counseling
in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Struggling With Sexual Addiction?
Are you stuck in compulsive sexual behavior? Have you been caught cheating or looking at pornography? Have you gaslighted your loved ones? Are you at your wit's end and need professional help for your sexual acting out?
Threshold Counseling specializes in treating sex and pornography addiction in men. I help clients work toward establishing sexual sobriety, understanding the nature of addiction, healing broken relationships, and uncovering root causes. Addiction can be devastating. It is important that you know there is hope for sexual addiction.
Call me directly at (208) 758-7414 to learn more. If I don't answer, I'll get back to you within one business day.
“A hidden sexual addiction is often the thing that keeps men from really reaching their true potential.”

Relationship turmoil, emotional immaturity, childhood pain.
Are You a Good Fit for Counseling?
Have you failed to stop watching pornography or acting out sexually? Have you acted out in riskier ways than you intended? Have you lied and covered things up? Is someone you love pushing you to get help? Are you ready to put in the work to change?
Did you answer yes to these questions? Reach out to me directly to learn more about whether or not you’d be a good fit for counseling: nick@thresholdcda.com.
What Does Treatment Look Like?
Treatment includes weekly individual therapy, recovery tasks, and psychoeducation (group therapy will be offered soon). My approach integrates Patrick Carnes’ Task Model, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Emotion-Focused Therapy, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and trauma-informed models. We also go through two powerful books together, Facing the Shadow and Mindsight. Both books help clients think about, explore, and move beyond addictive behaviors.
I understand that you may also have specific goals as it relates to your situation. These are important to me as well. We discuss your goals in our initial phone call and first session and work them into ongoing treatment.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have specific questions as it relates to treatment and what you can expect from the process.
Next Steps
Setting up a free 30-minute in-person consultation to discuss treatment and goals.
Next, scheduling first session.
Completing informed consent and practice documents, all sent to your email.

“Mental health is dedication to reality at all costs.”
— M. Scott Peck
— My Services —
The bedrock of treatment. One-on-one weekly or bi-monthly sessions with Nick.
An essential component to healing is community. We are wired for it.
Move beyond pain and hurt. Get unstuck. Nurture intimacy and grow connection.
Your Therapist
Hey, my name is Nick Pack. I'm a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Candidate through IITAP, the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals. And I'm a Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in Idaho and Washington (I offer telehealth counseling for Washington residents).
M.A. in Marriage, Family & Couple Counseling from Regent University
Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in Idaho and Washington
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Candidate
A threshold is a point of entry. Into possibilities, healing, and growth.
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